the movementphraseblazer section




Odds and Ends:

ITT2. Oct09

"It's the Tuna" is now on Twitter! After 5 years of door-to-door phraseblazing we've decided to harness the power or the internet to spread our tuna message. Now it's easier than ever to become a phraseblazer. Just tweet #itsTheTuna and you're in!

"College Humor"
ITT17. Mar05

In March of 2005, ITT17 submitted us to where the tuna message burned its way into bored student brains for about a week. In one weekend we got 13,000 hits! which, at the time, was over 6 times the total hits we had gotten in a year.

That week was nothing short of tuna. Along the way we gained a lot of great phraseblazers and distributed a few ITTTs as well. Not to mention the feeling of contented tranquility that swept over the entire world for those few days.

As a token of our affection, we sent ITT17 a bunch of tuna gear. And there she is below, advertising her ITT visor as the ideal compliment to a 90s cell phone.


"Praise the Tuna!"
ITT14. 29Sep04



"Bay to Breakers 2004"
ITT1, ITT3, ITT4. 15Sep04


"It's a very Tuna Passover"
ITT34 . 28Jun04

For those of you who were unclear about what "It's the Tuna!" actually means:


ITT16 . 28Apr04

ITT16 is a true innovator.
ITT16 is changing the way we think about phraseblazing.
ITT16 is a beacon of hope for the rest of us phraseblazers, and for humanity as a whole.


"Congratulations ITT21 and ITT31!!"
ITT21 . 20Apr04

Thank you for a beautunaful wedding and tunatacular week. Welcome to the family ITT31!!

"I am the Tuna!"
ITT26 . 17Apr04

Fed up with waiting for us, ITT26 created her own T-Shirt. Coco Lopez approves.

"Burlington Penetration"
ITT6 + ITT13 . 28Mar04

"Here's a pic of ITT6 and myself (ITT13) up in VT, showing people whats up, Mt. Mansfield directly behind us. We hope it can be put to good use to show some progress in the east"

ITT16 . 25Mar04

"God Bless You 16"
9Mar04 . ITT16 . Reston. VA


"Med Student"
27Feb04. ITT5 . Palo Alto, CA

This website is the tuna.
Medschool is not the tuna.
Check this out:

Computer: $2000

Med School tuition: $150,000

First stethescope: $500

Having your first patient not die on you: The Tuna.



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